Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Photography Workshops with Chuck Jines

Photography Workshops with Chuck Jines - Documenting the Human Experience - Photographing People, Places, and Things

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Friday, May 27, 2016

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Chicago Street Photography Workshops and Photo Tours

Chicago and New Orleans Street Photography Workshops and Photo Tours, Online Digital Photography Workshops and Film Development Instructions.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

New Orleans Photo Adventures

New Orleans Photo Adventures - New Orleans street photographer and entertainer, Johnnie Two Time, will be leading the two hour photo adventures in the French Quarter all summer long. Info and scheduling here:

Basic 101 Street Silhouette - 24mm, No Crop

Basic 101 Street Silhouette - 24mm, No Crop - Street Silhouettes are one of the things we practice during my Chicago street photography workshops. There are around 11 categories of street, including reflections, people lost in thought, separate geometries, and, of course, the classic silhouette. Here is a shot that I'll be using in my next "Behind The Image Street Photography" video where I'll go over some of the key points in capturing well balanced Silhouette.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Sidewalk Sleeper – Behind The Image Street Photography

Sidewalk Sleeper – Behind The Image Street Photography - A few thoughts about ethics and aesthetics in street and documentary photography.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

2016 Chicago Street Photography Workshop Schedule

2016 Chicago Street Photography Workshop Schedule - (You can also book a workshop to fit your schedule) SPECIAL!!! Chicago Street Photography Workshop Intensive!!! July 15, 16 and 17, 2016 - Reserve Your Place Today! All three days for only $479.00! >>> Register Now! More info HERE. Basic Chicago Street Photography Workshops Only $279.00 Per Person Saturday July 2, 2016 >>> Register Now! Saturday July 9, 2016 >>> Register Now! Saturday July 30, 2016 >>> Register Now! Saturday August 6, 2016 >>> Register Now! Saturday August 27, 2016 >>> Register Now! Saturday September 24, 2016 >>> Register Now!

Giving prints to the people you photograph…

Giving prints to the people you photograph… - Giving prints to the people you photograph is one of the great joys in documentary photography. I gave Kermit, Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Street Hobo Army, a large print of a capture I took of him the last time I was in New Orleans. Kermit went straightaway and put it to good use raising funds for more hobo supplies!

Street Sleeper

Street Sleeper We see this all over the country. When we come across these worn and tattered souls scattered like fallen leaves along the sidewalk, we ask ourselves how something like this came to be, we ask ourselves if there is anything society could have done to end such a thing. When we get honest, we realize there is little anyone can do, and that there is no one to blame. It just is. The universe set things up this way...

Traditional Street Photography Workshops - Candid, Unscripted, and Spontaneous!

Traditional Street Photography Workshops - Candid, Unscripted, and Spontaneous!

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Heroin addiction is evil...

I've been working on finishing the next issue of Gravis. Not an easy thing to write about. Heroin addiction is evil... This will be the last of this three part series. The first two issues are here: http://www.blurb.com/user/store/maddcap

Halloween Weekend French Quarter Discovering Images Workshops - Photographing People, Places, and Things 2016!

Halloween Weekend French Quarter Discovering Images Workshops - Photographing People, Places, and Things 2016! Friday October 28, 2016 $279.00 Per Person >>> Book Your Place Here! Saturday October 29, 2016 $279.00 Per Person >>> Book Your Place Here! Sunday October 30, 2016 $279.00 Per Person >>> Book Your Place Here! Monday October 31, 2016 $279.00 Per Person >>> Book Your Place Here!

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

A Few Thoughts On the Steve McCurry Photoshop Scandal

A Few Thoughts On the Steve McCurry Photoshop Scandal Note: I did not see the full-size image when I made the video, just the cropped image that's in the original article -link below-. The article did not mention that they were using a crop. I found the full image while producing the video. I take back my remarks about the Cuba image being of poor quality now that I've seen the full image. Original article - Botched Steve McCurry Print Leads to Photoshop Scandal http://bit.ly/1s159dX Video: Documentary Photography - Getting Past Persona http://bit.ly/1Tir8mU Photography Workshops with Chuck Jines - Documenting the Human Experience - Photographing People, Places, and Things http://bit.ly/1yRZaDI BECOME A MEMBER TODAY! - Receive Access to Member Forum, Exclusive Content on Street and Documentary Photography, Lightroom Editing, Printing, and More! http://bit.ly/1cRISHE

Video: Documentary Photography - Getting Past Persona

Motto of the streets: Nothing is as it seems, and everything is for sale... Video: Documentary Photography - Getting Past Persona Here is an example of why documentary photographers should really get to know their subjects before reporting. Some people who viewed this image and read its caption, came away with the false idea that this person is suffering due to a lack of funding within our American medical system. The caption reads:

#Chicago #StreetPhotography Workshops

#Chicago #StreetPhotography Workshops

Monday, May 16, 2016

Members Only Forum now open on my website!

Members Only Forum now open on my website!

Halloween Weekend French Quarter Discovering Images Workshops - Photographing People, Places, and Things 2016!

Halloween Weekend French Quarter Discovering Images Workshops - Photographing People, Places, and Things 2016!

45 Motors, Mississippi – Run To The Gulf U.S. Route 45 – 2016

45 Motors, Mississippi – Run To The Gulf U.S. Route 45 – 2016

U.S. Route 45 bridge crossing the Ohio River from Illinois into Kentucky – Spring 2016

U.S. Route 45 bridge crossing the Ohio River from Illinois into Kentucky – Spring 2016

Tennessee - Run To The Gulf U.S. Route 45 - 2016

Tennessee - Run To The Gulf U.S. Route 45 - 2016

Help Support Independent Media!

"Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed: everything else is public relations." -George Orwell - Help Support Independent Media

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Documentary Photography - How To Approach Total Strangers

Documentary Photography - How To Approach Total Strangers - Here's a short video about how to approach groups and communities of total strangers. With documentary photography, you have to have an "in."

Chicago Street Photography Three-Day Workshop Intensive: July 15-17, 2016

This is the BIG ONE! Chicago Street Photography Three-Day Intensive Workshop: July 15-17, 2016

Friday, May 13, 2016

Check this out when you get some time. Without Bound - Perspectives on Mobile Living (Documentary)

Check this out when you get some time. Without Bound - Perspectives on Mobile Living (Documentary)

Your thoughts?

If you have ordered a copy of Gravis Magazine, please let me know what you think. Thanks!

Help Support Independent Media

Help Support Independent Media BECOME A MEMBER TODAY! Receive Access to Exclusive Content on Street and Documentary Photography, Lightroom Editing, Printing, and More!

Two Hour Photo Adventures - #Chicago!

Two Hour Photo Adventures - #Chicago! Private one-on-one and small group urban photography classes and workshops. Chicago photo walks and street photography workshops available.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Two Hour French Quarter Photo Adventures #NOLA

Two Hour French Quarter Photo Adventures #NOLA

Gravis Magazine - Help Prevent Heroin Addiction

Mommy @CatBirdKidMom TV mentions heroine & my 11yr old asks what's that.. Thanks @ChuckJines67 for Shaggy's story to help me explain to her.

Can't keep off the bike today...

Can't keep off the bike today...

Discovering Photos Workshops - Photographing People, Places, and Things

I offer photography workshops and photowalks that are designed to fit photographers of all experience levels. Whether you're a beginner, a novice, or a seasoned professional photographer, I can custom design a photo adventure or photography workshop that is sure to please.

Worth a read: Robert Frank's "The American's": Dawning of Self Loathing and Political Correctness

Worth a read: Robert Frank's "The American's": A Dawning of Self Loathing and Political Correctness

Last chance! #Chicago Street Photography Workshops & Photowalks

Last chance! Chicago Street Photography Workshops & Photowalks http://www.chuckjines.com/street-photography-workshops-and-photo-tours/chicago-street-photography-workshops-and-photowalks/

Documenting the Human Experience - Photographing People, Places, and Things

Photography Workshops with Chuck Jines Documenting the Human Experience Photographing People, Places, and Things

Video: “Setting the Stage” Street Photography

“Setting the Stage” Street Photography

"Setting the Stage" Street Photography

[fvplayer src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/gritstreet/videos/setting-the-stage-street.mp4"]

#NewOrleans Photo Adventures & Photography Workshops

New Orleans Photo Adventures & Photography Workshops